
Showing posts from November, 2022


OVERCOMING SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER You’ve been identified with social tension disease (SAD). You may revel in severe tension approximately attending parties, consuming in front of others, speaking to humans you simply met, or making eye touch in general. And due to your profound worry, you normally keep away from those situations. Or you’ve been identified with performance-best SAD, due to the fact you revel in severe tension whilst talking or acting in public (however now no longer all through different instances; for instance, you’re nice at painting conferences and dinner parties). Either way, the central worry underlying your disease is that you’ll be negatively evaluated with the aid of using others—you’ll do something to embarrass yourself, or you’ll offend a person, or you’ll get rejected. Which feels noticeably painful. Thankfully, a pretty powerful remedy exists for each generalized shape of SAD and performance-best SAD (remedies range relying on your diagnosis; greater on tha


  INTRODUCTION Hey, guys.  I have to tell you about this amazing roller  coaster I went on yesterday.  It's like the scariest fastest thing ever,  and I rode it 12 times, it was so-- It's on my shoulder, isn't it?  Most people feel shy, nervous, or anxious at some point  in their lives when meeting new people,  trying out for something new, answering a question in class,  or even talking to someone they like. SOCIAL ANXIETY When you're shy, nervous, or anxious,  it's totally normal to feel butterflies  in your stomach, a racing heart, or sweaty palms.  But for some people, this anxiety and stress  feel overwhelming and can make these situations feel scary.  So scary that this person may feel uncomfortable  participating in everyday social situations.  It's often called social anxiety or social phobia.  People who have social anxiety often  still have friends and like to be around other people.  But things, like large groups or brand-new situations,  can trigger


  INTRODUCTION Has anyone ever told you, "Stand up straight!"  or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner?  Comments like that might be annoying, but they're not wrong.  Your posture, the way you hold your body when you're sitting or standing,  is the foundation for every movement your body makes,  and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it.  These stresses can be things like carrying weight  or sitting in an awkward position.  And the big one we all experience all day every day: gravity.  BENEFITS OF GOOD POSTURES ON HEALTH  If your posture isn't optimal,  your muscles have to work harder to keep you upright and balanced.  Some muscles will become tight and inflexible.  Others will be inhibited.  Over time, these dysfunctional adaptations  impair your body's ability to deal with the forces on it.  Poor posture inflicts extra wear and tear on your joints and ligaments,  increases the likelihood of accidents,  and makes some organs,


  INTRODUCTION Cigarettes aren’t true for us.  That’s rarely news--we’ve recognized approximately the risks of smoking for decades.  But how precisely do cigarettes damage us?  Let’s examine what occurs as their components  make their manner thru our bodies  and the way we gain bodily while we eventually surrender smoking. EFFECTS OF SMOKING ON HEALTH With every inhalation,  smoke brings its greater than 5,000 chemical substances  into touch with the frame’s tissues.  From the beginning, tar, a black, resinous material,  starts to coat the enamel and gums,  adverse teeth enamel, and in the end inflicting decay.  Over time, smoke additionally damages nerve endings withinside the nose,  inflicting a lack of scent. Inside the airlines and lungs,  smoke will increase the chance of infections  in addition to persistent sicknesses like bronchitis and emphysema.  It does this with the aid of using adverse cilia,  tiny hairlike systems whose activity it's miles to hold the airlines clean.