INTRODUCTION The importance of bone health. We all know that bone health is important for various reasons now. But it protects our vital organs from injury. You know, it supports us, and allows us to move, and do what we would like. But it's also really our storage system. So, it stores minerals like calcium and phosphorus that are released when we need them when blood levels drop. NUTRITIONS FOR BONE HEALTH So peak bone mass age again, just as a reminder, it's about up to the age of 30 in women, and about 75% to 85% of our skeleton is built during adolescence. And then we lose calcium as adults. So, another reason to look forward to being 30. We do need sufficient bone nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and really to build the best strongest bone, but also to maintain that bone. So, keeping bones healthy-- there's a whole slew of things here-- healthy ...