
Showing posts with the label DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH


INTRODUCTION  Health's the state of complete physical mental and social well-being not just the absence of disease or infirmity good health is something we strive to achieve not just individually but also as a community but if we look around us our family friends and others we know that health is very variable. For example, in 2016 the life expectancy of a child born in Sierra Leone was 53 years while in Australia it was 83 years but even within Australia the life expectancy of indigenous people is about 10 years lower than that of non-indigenous people, and even within a specific group of people's health can change based on a person's income level of education or occupation. So why is health so variable? To answer that question we must understand the factors that influence health. DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH The factors that influence a person's health are called determinants of health. These include who they are such as age and genetic makeup and what they do in health beh