
Showing posts with the label CARBOHYDRATES


  INTRODUCTION Which of these has the least carbohydrates? The role of bread? The bowl of rice? Or the can of soda? It's a trick question. Although they will differ in fats, vitamins, and special nutritional content, almost about carbs, they're a pretty lousy lot the same. So, what exactly does that mean in your diet? CARBOHYDRATES ON YOUR BODY First of all, carbohydrate is the nutritional magnificence of sugars and molecules that your body breaks properly all of the manners right all the way down to make sugars. Carbohydrates can be clean or complex counting on their structure. This is a clean sugar or monosaccharide. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are all clean sugars. Link them together, and you've got were given had been given a disaccharide, lactose, maltose, or sucrose. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, have three or extra clean sugars strung together. Complex carbohydrates with three to ten associated sugars are oligosaccharides. Those with extra than ten a