
Showing posts from July, 2022


  INTRODUCTION H ealthcare providers  are updating services by adopting  digital advancements  to increase their capacity to engage  more patients.  These healthcare technology trends will  help you achieve better healthcare  outcomes  and stand one step ahead of your  competitors in 2021. HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY TRENDS Due to the introduction of the 5g  internet  the wearable devices market is expected  to have huge scope in 2021.  One of the most competitive healthcare  technology  trends of 2021 will be patient  engagement technology.  Telemedicine can provide patients with  better access  to all health care services drive up  efficiency and revenue  and lower healthcare costs  augmented reality and virtual reality  make doctors  compare data virtually to understand  what the patient is experiencing  and make a flawless diagnosis and  suggest healthcare procedures. Chatbots are going to revolutionize the  clinical processes  and business providing practical as well  as clear measures 


  INTRODUCTION We're going to take a look at infectious diseases and what they are. Some terms used to describe them and take a look at a few different types of infectious diseases. First of all what is an infectious disease? An infectious disease is a disease caused by an infectious agent like viruses bacteria parasites or fungi infectious diseases are a global problem and in the past used to be the leading cause of death there were large epidemics of smallpox TB syphilis cholera and plague that caused millions of deaths around the world 1918. INFECTIOUS DISEASES The influenza pandemic alone was responsible for the death of around 40 million people globally thankfully advances in nutrition antibiotics immunization food. Safety housing and sanitation have led to a massive reduction in infectious diseases however even now there a the problem in 2012 infectious diseases was responsible for three of the top ten causes of death in the world. These three were lower respiratory tract inf


INTRODUCTION   Even earlier than a baby is born a quest to  make sure its lengthy and healthful lifestyle begins.  All around the globe public fitness  applications paint to enhance the fitness and  wellness of groups with the aid of using identifying  the dangers that affect specific people  in specific places.  At specific tiers of lifestyles  and locating the fine methods to minimize  them, it is approximately giving each person the fine  threat to steer lengthy  healthful  gratifying lives from the very beginning  to the very end. PUBLIC HEALTH A baby dies every 3 seconds from an  infectious ailment.  However public fitness interventions can  save you this with the aid of using selling matters like  breastfeeding  immunization  and antibiotics.  Wherein kids die due to the fact they've no  get right of entry to secure water or simple sanitation. Public fitness applications could make water  secure and conditioned sanitary.  Wherein studies indicate to us who has the  maximum th


  INTRODUCTION Personal technology is ushering in a new era of health care fundamentally changing how and where medical decisions are made, and treatment is rendered through a combination of wearable health monitor technologies telemedicine home diagnosis and even pop-up retail settings. Healthcare providers have begun to recognize the importance of treating patients remotely in 2014. 2.3 billion u.s. dollars were raised for digital health startups and between 2011 and 2014 1.9 billion u.s. dollars in the capital were raised for companies aiming to use predictive analytics.   IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON HEALTHCARE By 2018 70% of healthcare organizations are expected to invest in medical mobile apps with an estimated spend of 1.5 trillion US dollars on wearable health monitor technologies and mobile apps this rising the trend of remote healthcare. Coined HouseCalls plus has allowed for a timelier administration of treatment for patients at their homes significantly reducing the cost of inte


INTRODUCTION People who are  experiencing common eye problems figure  out just what might be happening to them.  The following list describes many of the  most common eye problems and their  causes.   COMMON EYE PROBLEMS Glaucoma is damage to the  optic nerve which is typically caused by  abnormal pressure inside your eye  although there can be other reasons too  glaucoma is among the leading causes of  blindness in the United States. Macular  degeneration there are two types of  macular degeneration dry and wet dry  macular degeneration is more common than this. My disorder causes sight loss in the  center of your field of vision keratitis. K eratitis is a rare but dangerous eye  problem that occurs when a certain type  of amoeba invades the cornea these often  come from contaminated water so be  careful where you swim poor contact lenses.  Hygiene can also cause this I  affectionately rice it-- amblyopia or  lazy eye is a condition in  which one eye dominates the other and we  hope u


  INTRODUCTION Your coronary heart is an effective muscle that  pumps blood around your frame and this  blood incorporates gasoline withinside the manner of oxygen  and vitamins to each cell.  Nerve muscles and organs in our frame  permit us to do all of the matters we do  in normal life. CAUSES OF HEART ATTACK Being the difficult operating muscle, it is  the coronary heart that wishes its very own gasoline delivery  it gets this thru its very own blood  vessel community known as the coronary  arteries.  Foremost coronary arteries the left and  proper department off from the aorta  those in flip department off into smaller  arteries which deliver oxygen-wealthy blood  across the complete coronary heart muscle. The proper coronary artery supplies  especially the proper aspect of the coronary heart,   and the left coronary artery supplies  the left aspect of the coronary heart  coronary arteries like different arteries in  our frame  are like hole tubes.  They have got a robust outer wal


  INTRODUCTION Eight steps to hold your coronary heart wholesome. A general of 17. nine million human beings of all deaths round the sector take location because of cardiovascular diseases. That is 31 of the full deaths counted that is why maintaining your coronary heart wholesome is so important. The coronary heart pumps blood at some stage in the frame maintaining it active. A wholesome coronary heart continues your mind and frame sturdy and active. Here are 8 steps that allow you to do that. STEPS TO KEEP YOUR HEART HEALTHY Add greater veggies and culmination on your food regimen now no longer most effective are veggies and culmination low on energy however additionally they comprise widespread nutrients and minerals which you want to your everyday life. They hold you complete at the same time as making sure that your caloric consumption within reason balanced greater than that they're complete of antioxidants that eliminate loose radicals from the blood and make certain no oxid


  INTRODUCTION The importance of bone health.  We all know that bone health is important for various reasons  now.  But it protects our vital organs from injury.  You know, it supports us, and allows us to move,  and do what we would like.  But it's also really our storage system.  So, it stores minerals like calcium and phosphorus  that are released when we need them  when blood levels drop. NUTRITIONS FOR BONE HEALTH So peak bone mass age again, just as a reminder,  it's about up to the age of 30 in women,  and about 75% to 85% of our skeleton  is built during adolescence.  And then we lose calcium as adults.  So, another reason to look forward to being 30.  We do need sufficient bone nutrients like calcium, vitamin  D, and really to build the best strongest bone, but also  to maintain that bone. So, keeping bones healthy-- there's a whole slew of things  here--  healthy food choices, a well-balanced diet is seemingly  very easy to say that--  eating foods rich in calcium


HEALTH INTRODUCTION Good fitness is a critical part of the lifestyle. It allows us to carry out our everyday duties correctly and thankfully. Wit hout correct fitness, we can not lead a regular lifestyle because it influences all factors of our lives like our own circle of relatives' lifestyles, social lifestyles, paintings, etc.  Thus, fitness refers back to the capacity to evolve and control bodily demanding situations during lifestyles. A bad definition of fitness could be that its miles the dearth of ailment or infirmity; an instance could be that one can not be afflicted by hypersensitive reactions due to the fact this will imply they may be healthful. Good fitness improves one’s performance and will increase happiness. Good fitness improves one’s performance and will increase happiness. Money earned an unfairly is in no way fruitful. Good fitness is critical for bodily and intellectual properly-being, in addition to social relationships with own circle of relatives, pals, col


  Preface  Are you feeling down or exhausted all the time? There are a lot of factors that may be causing these mood changes. maybe it's the situation you are in the terrain around you or the people you are with that is affecting you, still. occasionally it can also be due to the habits that you have that are damaging to your internal. Well-being is clearly much harder to identify problems related to internal health than it's to identify the bones regarding physical health. Because of this, it's veritably important to invest time and trouble into icing good internal health so to help you come more apprehensive of these tendencies then are six habits that hurt your internal health.  HABITS THAT BREAK YOUR HEALTH  Number one perfectionism being a perfectionist can insure that anything you do will be done to the loftiest possible norms which can make you veritably precious be it at your plant or home. still, if your perfectionism is making you set norms that are insolvable to


INTRODUCTION Today we're going to talk about the importance of sleeping and the 10 scientific health benefits of sleep. We're also going to finish with some proven sleeping tips that will ensure you get a full night's rest and make sure you get the right amount. Before that let's talk about the health benefits of sleep.  BENEFITS OF SLEEP  Number one not getting enough sleep is linked to fat did you know that lack of sleep is one of the largest risk factors in obesity and a short study on sleep duration. Researchers found that adults not getting enough sleep were 55 percent more likely to be obese worse and that children were 89% more likely to be obese when not getting enough sleep lack of sleep associated with fat accumulation seems to be for several factors many of which are listed below. Number two getting the right amount of sleep improves your hormones cortisol your stress hormone is lowered with the. In a recent study people who slept less than seven hours a nigh


  INTRODUCTION Which of these has the least carbohydrates? The role of bread? The bowl of rice? Or the can of soda? It's a trick question. Although they will differ in fats, vitamins, and special nutritional content, almost about carbs, they're a pretty lousy lot the same. So, what exactly does that mean in your diet? CARBOHYDRATES ON YOUR BODY First of all, carbohydrate is the nutritional magnificence of sugars and molecules that your body breaks properly all of the manners right all the way down to make sugars. Carbohydrates can be clean or complex counting on their structure. This is a clean sugar or monosaccharide. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are all clean sugars. Link them together, and you've got were given had been given a disaccharide, lactose, maltose, or sucrose. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, have three or extra clean sugars strung together. Complex carbohydrates with three to ten associated sugars are oligosaccharides. Those with extra than ten a


INTRODUCTION  Health's the state of complete physical mental and social well-being not just the absence of disease or infirmity good health is something we strive to achieve not just individually but also as a community but if we look around us our family friends and others we know that health is very variable. For example, in 2016 the life expectancy of a child born in Sierra Leone was 53 years while in Australia it was 83 years but even within Australia the life expectancy of indigenous people is about 10 years lower than that of non-indigenous people, and even within a specific group of people's health can change based on a person's income level of education or occupation. So why is health so variable? To answer that question we must understand the factors that influence health. DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH The factors that influence a person's health are called determinants of health. These include who they are such as age and genetic makeup and what they do in health beh


INTRODUCTION  From the minute we're born, we are becoming vintage. Constant exposure approximately our environment, the topics we eat, and stresses from inside and outside our bodies all inspire us to age over the years. Aging is substantially complex, however, scientists are starting to recognize what happens at the cellular and molecular levels. For example, healthy cells are damaged over the years even as our immune systems shift from reacting to short-term issues like injuries and infections, to regularly producing persistent contamination during the body. NUTRITION FOR A HEALTHY LIFE Time moreover regularly shortens the telomeres that act as protecting caps for our DNA-containing chromosomes. These exclusive adjustments make our bodies a whole lot much less and lots much less able to address pressure from inside and outside of our body, so even as damage reaches a critical degree, our cells, tissues, and organs also can moreover now not perform normally and our health starts o